A house is perhaps the most significant investment that somebody will make in their life, so know current realities before purchasing. A great many people will buy a stick-constructed home since it is all they know. However, they can be sure that they could set aside cash and time by putting in almost no time taking a gander at a more productive technique.
Yes, we are talking about custom modular houses that they can have from us at Afripanel. Unfortunately, there are confusions around custom modular homes, and this article intends to address that. We also discuss some advantages to set up your mind to buy such a house from us.
The myths and realities surrounding modular homesÂ
Mobile homeÂ
A modular home is a mobile home, is one of the myths. In reality, it is not such. Modular homes look very much like traditional homes. They have a foundation, they are one or two stories, and they may have a connected garage. Indeed, on the off chance that you drove down the road, you would not have the option to tell a stick worked from a modular one.
Customization is not possibleÂ
Modular homes cannot have customization, which is another prevalent myth. However, in reality, our purchaser works with our designers to take units and amass them into a story plan that suits them. Along these lines, homes are entirely adjustable. You, as a homeowner, can plan the perfect home. A famous pattern among purchasers is customization. Our items and administrations are adaptable with the goal that every individual customer’s individual preferences and interests can have a place in the construction.
Cheaper in quality
Modular homes are cheaper, which is another myth that you will frequently hear. In reality, the development of modular homes is more grounded than stick-constructed homes. They are implicit units built by experts, and these experts have qualified supervisors over them. They have initial construction in a controlled setting, which implies that the structure materials stay dry. Furthermore, they accompany a long-term guarantee, contrasted with a 1-year guarantee that accompanies a stick-constructed home.
Modular homes are less energy effectiveÂ
Another myth that you will frequently hear is that modular homes are less energy efficient. However, in reality, they are more proficient than site fabricated assembled homes. A new report shows that the standard modular houses exchange the air just seven times each hour, while a stick-constructed home exchanges air 11 times each hour. That will convert into genuine investment funds on warming and cooling costs. Furthermore, because the house is underlying a climate-free setting, insulation does not lose its R-esteem by getting wet.
The advantages of modular homesÂ
By now, you know the facts about modular homes. However, it is also best to know the advantages that you can have purchasing modular houses from us.
- Portability: While modular structures have the design to be lasting constructions, a few plans can have dismantling so you can get and leave whenever you want.
- Quicker work: Since modular homes have construction in a plant, horrible climate conditions do not postpone development. Likewise, a significant part of the assembly already has completion; it chops down the structure time for the final development.
- Lower cost: Using traditional development strategies can cost $150 to $250 or more per square foot if you assemble an average, non-luxury home. Particular development can cost 10% to 20% less because of assembly line productivity.
So, when you desire to have the best of modular houses at an affordable price and have all the above advantages, remember us at Afripanels.